Chewing Gum Removal Chicago

Chewing gum removal, Chicago, makes a dramatic difference in the lifespan of your sidewalks. Clean sidewalks and other surfaces set potential customers at ease, as well as removing a source of irritation. Nobody wants gum on the soles of their shoes, and a chewing gum removal – Chicago cleaning – can take care of that to leave your sidewalks looking as good as new.

Have you ever noticed the black spots on cement and sidewalks? That’s gum – and it’s just waiting to get on the bottoms of your shoes. It melts a little bit in the summer, so that old stuff will come back to life a little bit and become sticky once more. Fortunately, with enough heat and a controlled stream fo water, this gummy mess can literally be obliterated from the city streets.

Chicago Power Clean has over 23 years of experience with chewing gum removal. We’re experts at eliminating even the toughest stains from brick, cement, concrete, wood, and more. We’ve destroyed gum in the parking garage of the Sears Tower, and we’d love to bring our expertise to you.

Give us a call at 947-963-8888 if you would like more information about chewing gum removal or any of our services.

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Chewing Gum Removal Chicago
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